In Antoine de Saint-Exupery's beloved children's book Le Petit Prince, the titular Prince is the only living being to come from a far-away asteroid known only as B-612. Traveling the universe, the Prince carries with him the spirit of imagination, open-mindedness and inquiry that he cultivated on B-612, and thus, the fragrance named for the asteroid is meant to convey that same spirit- as they put it, "enlightenment through exploration." So it should come as no surprise that B-612 is a dynamic, lively, and richly beautiful scent, combining classically aromatic and floral notes of geranium and lavender with a deeply woody heart and a warm, comforting base of oakmoss and tonka bean to create something compellingly timeless. While the result feels sophisticated and masculine, B-612 never loses sight of its joyfully childlike inspiration- this is a scent to wear on adventures, journeys, and new experiences with old friends. The Little Prince has taught generations of readers to hold fast to the wonder and goodwill that far too many lose when approaching adulthood- B-612 is an olfactive reminder that one need never let it go.
Lavender, geranium, cypress, cashmeran, cedar, sandalwood, patchouli, musk, oakmoss, tonka bean.
Important info: Here, we sell decants only. This item is a hand-decanted sample. The original bottle on the main picture is not for sale, it just shows the original bottle from which perfume will be decanted. Therefore, the customer will receive the authentic fragrance poured from the original bottle into a new sterile vial. The size of the vial is your choice.extr